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Information on CVQ Training

Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ)


The Caribbean Vocational Qualification or CVQ as it is commonly called, is based on a competency-based approach to training, assessment and certification. Candidates are expected to demonstrate competence in attaining occupational standards developed by practitioners, industry experts and employers. Those standards when approved by CARICOM, allow for easy movement across the Region. Currently, CVQs are planned to reflect a qualification framework of five levels. These are:


  1. Level 1 Directly Supervised/Entry –Level Worker

  2. Level 2 Supervised Skilled Worker

  3. Level 3 Independent or Autonomous Skilled Worker

  4. Level 4 Specialized or Supervisory Worker

  5. Level 5 Managerial and/or Professional Worker

  6. Additional information about CVQ can be found at


Benefits of CVQ:

  1. Ensures performance in the workplace.

  2. Parallel standing with academic qualification.

  3. Is recognized and portable within CARICOM. It is also recognized and
    accepted outside of the region including Canada and the United States of


Who can be CVQ Certified?

The CVQ is an inclusive system that allows anyone to join at any point or level once the individual demonstrates the level of knowledge, skills and attitude required for the particular level of the framework. The system facilitates the assessment of prior learning to match an individual’s competence with the appropriate CVQ level. The individual is required to demonstrate his or her competence in his or her skilled area through the assessment of prior learning appraisal process.​


Can persons who pursue training with Shan-Phill Training become CVQ Certified?

Individuals who pursue our training in Customer Service, have the option of attaining unit certification, or a full Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Customer Service through the St. Lucia TVET Council. Click here to register.


Training for full CVQ in Electrical Installation (Assessment to be conducted through the St. Lucia TVET Council)


     Courses Coming Soon

1. Electrical Installation (level 1)
2. Electrical Installation (Level 2)
3. Data Operations (IT-Level 1)
4. Commercial Food Preparation (Cookery-Level 1)

Class Schedule

Day   - Mondays & Wednesdays
Time - 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm


Day - Tuesdays & Thursdays

Time - 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Tools required for classes

  1. Reliable & Fast Internet Connection

  2. Computer/Laptop

  3. Mic/Speakers/Headset

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